The most common types of tenancy in Scotland are listed below.
Scottish Secure Tenant
If you rent from a Local Authority or a Registered Social Landlord (a Housing Association or Cooperative registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator) you will likely be a Scottish Secure Tenant.
Private Tenancies
If you rent from a Private Landlord and you moved in on or after 01 December 2017 you will likely have a Private Residential Tenancy.
If you rent from a Private Landlord and you moved in after 02 Jan 1989 and before 01 December 2017, you will may have an Assured or Short Assured Tenancy.
If you rent from a Private Landlord and they live in the same home with you, you will likely have a Common Law Tenancy. You may also have this type of tenancy if you are in a Student Let, Holiday Let or Local Authority Temporary Accommodation.
You should always check your Tenancy Agreement to confirm the type of tenancy you have (opens in a new tab).